Saturday, August 21, 2010

Coronary Disease and Myopia

I often explain to patients with severe coronary disease who are immediately status post bypass surgery. In high school, my teachers noted that I was squinting when reading the black board. One suggested that I get an eye exam. I found out that I had very poor vision which was not notable to me as the visual loss had been a slow progressive disease. I assumed every one was "seeing" like me. Then after taking home my glasses, I noticed "wow." It was unbelievable how well I was seeing. It was then that it became clear that I had been suffering for a long time from a "disease" which I did not know.

In the same manner, cardiac disease involving the coronary blood vessels, leads to slow "plugging" of the involved vessel(s) over time. The patient may not appreciate the degree of fatigue, weakness, low energy and may atribute symptoms to deconditioning rather than admit there may be a heart problem, until debilitating angina keeps him or her from completing daily activities.

Then the diagnosis is sudden. The treatment is oftent immediate. After a short recovery period, he or she may feel exactly as I did after my glasses. "Wow!"